Friday, 11 November 2011

Ethnicity Journals

Article One: Children and Ethnicity:
Main Points
- Ethnicity is not just skin colour, but can be religion, language, shared values, country or cultural traditions - an ethnicity is normally made up of 2 or more of these.
- Children tend to learn their ethnicity from parents/peers/TV/Media but dont usually understand ethnicity until 5 - 6 years old, but before that they will know what traditions they celebrate and which flag they prefer etc.
- Ethnicity gives a sense of identity and self but can be a negative things as it results in prejudice/discrimination or conflict and war

Article Two: Ethnicity and Young Children's Friendships

- Research shows children tend to choose friends that are the same as them in skin colour. This is not becuase they are racist but becuase it is familiar to them.
- Ethnicity can be seen as a fluid aspect of collective and individual social identity. There is no division between individual and social as one co-constructs the other. I.E. You have your ethnicity that is yours, but then socially there are traditions, conventions, rituals in relation to the ethnic group.

Article 3: Mixed Race- A New Ethnice Group - BBC Article

- 2001 was the first year in which there was a "mixed" option under ethnicity on the census.
- 40% of the children at that time had one white parent and one black
- Asian women marrying white men is rising due to sexism in traditional Asian marraiges
- Afro Caribean women marrying white men is also rising but this is down to class, as they can have a better life with a white man due to afro caribean men not being able to progress through the system.

Gender - DTT

Six Key points from the pre-reading  - Blurring the edges- Yelland and Grieshaber and constructing the gendered infant - Greishaber

- Identifying gender is a way of dividing the labour and economy in a family unit. Lorber and Farrell (1991)

- Davies and Boldt talked about 'gender bending' to different circumstances you find yourself in.

- Oakley, Taylor and Boyden conducted a study of 20 parents on how gender is constructed at the micro level - finding out gender before birth. Father's want a son to carry on the family name and to play sports with - they saw the infant as an older child rather than a baby. The mother tended to go along with the father in finding out the gender or which gender they wanted. Mother's were generally happy for a healthy baby. Father's tend not to want a girl for fear of her safety. Hegemonic masculinity prevails.

- We can look at academic results to see how the genders differ but Moore argues that education alone can account for the shift. Wider society plays a much bigger part - locally, nationally or globally. This has happened over the last 100 years, but moreso since Thatcher.

- Social class plays a bigger part in education than gender does.

- Thatcher wanted to go back to Victorian values when she came to power. Victorians saw men and women in 2 diferent spheres: women at home and men socially at work. In education girls were taught the same as boys. In 1862 they started to introduce more subjects for girls which were based around domesticity, but more maths, reading and writing for boys. They shifted the concept of the 'perfect lady' to the 'Good Woman'.

- Education was based on class, higher class women were taught music and etiquette but working slass learnt laundry and sewing.

- Through Victorian times there was a worry that a woman's intellect was antagonistic to her biological destiny - Delamont and Duffin (1978)

- Another educational view was that women are different from men, biologically, socially, intellectually and psychologically, they needed education specific to their roles in society.

John Barrowman - The Making Of Me Documentary

Fantastic documentary!!!

He undertook loads of tests to find out if he was born gay or made gay. He spoke to his parents to find out if he always played with girls toys etc, if they were forced on him by his sister etc. They did say that they dressed him up as a girl once for a competition, but he was the one who chose girls toys over his own boys toys.

He spoke to his nephew who he used to dress up as a girl all the time and asked him if he was gay, but his nephew confirmed he was straight. He also visited a set of twins who were both boys, one liked to play with action figures etc but the other one liked barbies and care bares. Their mum confirmed that she had brought them both up exactly the same but one of them just wanted different toys!

In the final test, John found out that being gay can be determined by how much testosterone is taken by the foetus from the womb and as he had 2 older brothers, this was the reason he decided to take. He also did a test with the length of the ring finger to the index finger. Women tend to have their ring finger slightly smaller than their index finger and a scientist found that over 2000 gay men had the same.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

My Timeline

1988 - I was born :)
1990 - started nursery
1991 - we moved house
1992 - My little brother Lewis was born
1993 - Started primary school and moved house again
1995 - changed primary schools
1996 - moved house again
1997 - Great Grandad Frank died
1998 - moved house
1999 - Got the lead in the school play :)
1999 - went to Disneyland, Florida
2000 - Moved house AGAIN and started secondary school
2001 - Mum and Dad split up - helped mum read the phone bill that proved dad had been a naughty boy!
2002 - Moved house and started Theatre school alongside normal school - started to rebel in normal school
2003 - Started a part time job in a restaurant, moved up to grammar school, Dad had new partner with 2 children - fell out with him and didn't see him for a few years
2004 - Dad remarried, Mum met Paul and we moved house again
2005 - got my GCSE's and decided to stay on for 6th form
2006 - moved house again
2007 - got my A Levels and started my first proper job at a mortgage brokers as an admin clerk
2008 - Changed jobs to work at Natwest
2009 - First promotion with the bank, and bought my first house with my boyfriend, we also got engaged and bought a dog
2010 - promoted to bank manager, split up with boyfriend - one of the worst year's ever!
2011 - moved back in with mum, still have the dog and made a huge decision to change my life and do what i should have done in 2007 and go get a degree!

Think that just about covers it!

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Child Poverty in the UK

I wasn't quite sure what child poverty was, so I asked you tube...

I was shocked to discover that out of 29 European countries, the UK ranked 24th in the number of children that grow up in poverty.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Behaviourist Theory in a nutshell!

So, you will have already seen my videos of Pavlov's experiment and Skinner's experiment...

As far as i understand it this is behaviourist Theory...

John Locke (1632-1704) a philosopher and physician, said that "children were a blank slate at birth and it was the experiences and interactions with people and environment which affected their development" (got this from the book - "Early Childhood Studies, by Johnston and Nohmad-Williams")

So there are a few people that thought they'd test it out with different experiments,.,,

Firstly, Watson and Raynor (1920) taught an 11 month old child called Albert to be afraid of a soft white rabbit by showing it to him and making a loud noise at the same time which frightenend him. So when Albert saw a rabbit in the future he was scared as he associated it with the loud frightening noise. (I suppose this is where phobias come from, some people say that you are scared of certain things because of a traumatic experience that you associate with it)

Anyway, then Pavlov came along in 1920 with his experiment with the dog - see you tube video!

Finally, Skinner did an experiment with rats (see you tube video) here he extended Pavlov's findings to say that when actions are positively rewarded the child/animal is more likely to do it again but if you punish the action they won't continue to do it. Basically - the supernanny theory!

So that was meant to be in a nutshell, but went on a bit!!

Hope that all makes sense!

See you tomorrow...

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Skinner's Operant Conditioning

And this is Skinner's Rat experiment, again on Fiona's development module for the behaviourist theory

Classical Conditioning

This is a really dumbed down version of Pavlov's dogs experiment on conditioning. This is the behaviour theory for Fiona's module.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

I've been a busy bee tonight...

Have been looking into stuff for Rachel's presentation on the challenges faced by children and families in diverse communities in the UK and found some good stuff on disability. Was thinking of going down the deaf people route for mine, so looked on government websites as a starting point for some info on policies etc.

I've found lots on disability, but thought it might also be good for SEN, those of you that are doing this for Lin's presentation. I'll paste all the links below for you, but what is good that i've found is a blog written by the mother of a deaf daughter which really opens your eyes as to what challenges they face over stupid everyday things.

Hope this helps!!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Week One

Today was Warwick Day! I'm quite tired after walking around such a maaaaasive place! It's a really strange place to get your head around, I kind of want to be there full time to appreciate all of it and discover everywhere there is to go and fully embrace student life. I think we'll get there though over the next 4 years!

Some useful stuff i've found...

The best articles i'v found are in the Sociology Review - in the library - some good stuff for Rachel's module.

Been tryin to find stuff on you tube but there's a lot of american stuff on there, but open uni podcasts are good!

Would love to have more interesting links for you but i haven't found any! Will hopefully find some and post them soon!!

Saturday, 24 September 2011

No Going Back...

So...without the risk of sounding the same as everyone else on their "first blog"...
          Here goes for my first blog..!

I've really enjoyed week 1 or is it week -1 as we've officially not started?! I had completely forgotten how much i loved being in a classroom, i think your so concious about what others think at school that you have to harness your inner geek, BUT now i can unleash the geek!!! Apologies in advance fellow classmates!

Having read the packs within the different modules i think it's starting to click, and i might actually have got my head around what "study skills" is! But i agree with the others, after having a break from learning it can seem a bit overwhelming with all the different assignments we've got, and the presentation we've got to do for Lin's (Eeek!) How can i fit a topic as big as gender in 10 mins, or 3 mins for my section?!?! I'm sure it will all become clear when we get going.

I'm SO excited about this journey we're all going on, moreso because of the people that i'm going with (everyone seems so nice and supportive) but the tutors seem so lovely and the course itself seems to be everything i'm genuinly insterested in which means im even more enthusiastic and excited about it all!!

Anyway, rambling now, blog again soon!!!