Article One: Children and Ethnicity:
Main Points
- Ethnicity is not just skin colour, but can be religion, language, shared values, country or cultural traditions - an ethnicity is normally made up of 2 or more of these.
- Children tend to learn their ethnicity from parents/peers/TV/Media but dont usually understand ethnicity until 5 - 6 years old, but before that they will know what traditions they celebrate and which flag they prefer etc.
- Ethnicity gives a sense of identity and self but can be a negative things as it results in prejudice/discrimination or conflict and war
Article Two: Ethnicity and Young Children's Friendships
- Research shows children tend to choose friends that are the same as them in skin colour. This is not becuase they are racist but becuase it is familiar to them.
- Ethnicity can be seen as a fluid aspect of collective and individual social identity. There is no division between individual and social as one co-constructs the other. I.E. You have your ethnicity that is yours, but then socially there are traditions, conventions, rituals in relation to the ethnic group.
Article 3: Mixed Race- A New Ethnice Group - BBC Article
- 2001 was the first year in which there was a "mixed" option under ethnicity on the census.
- 40% of the children at that time had one white parent and one black
- Asian women marrying white men is rising due to sexism in traditional Asian marraiges
- Afro Caribean women marrying white men is also rising but this is down to class, as they can have a better life with a white man due to afro caribean men not being able to progress through the system.
great readings add the names to your exam cards and just this amount of information . be sure to get culture and ethnicity sorted in your head . I really appreciate all your work. you are flying on this course.