Wednesday, 19 October 2011

My Timeline

1988 - I was born :)
1990 - started nursery
1991 - we moved house
1992 - My little brother Lewis was born
1993 - Started primary school and moved house again
1995 - changed primary schools
1996 - moved house again
1997 - Great Grandad Frank died
1998 - moved house
1999 - Got the lead in the school play :)
1999 - went to Disneyland, Florida
2000 - Moved house AGAIN and started secondary school
2001 - Mum and Dad split up - helped mum read the phone bill that proved dad had been a naughty boy!
2002 - Moved house and started Theatre school alongside normal school - started to rebel in normal school
2003 - Started a part time job in a restaurant, moved up to grammar school, Dad had new partner with 2 children - fell out with him and didn't see him for a few years
2004 - Dad remarried, Mum met Paul and we moved house again
2005 - got my GCSE's and decided to stay on for 6th form
2006 - moved house again
2007 - got my A Levels and started my first proper job at a mortgage brokers as an admin clerk
2008 - Changed jobs to work at Natwest
2009 - First promotion with the bank, and bought my first house with my boyfriend, we also got engaged and bought a dog
2010 - promoted to bank manager, split up with boyfriend - one of the worst year's ever!
2011 - moved back in with mum, still have the dog and made a huge decision to change my life and do what i should have done in 2007 and go get a degree!

Think that just about covers it!

1 comment:

  1. this is brill! jees you have moved alot! Can relate to you on the whole boyfriend thing think this nxt yr is gonna be a tough one! x
